My Core Beliefs
I believe we're all called to lead in one form or another.
We feel the nudge from our soul to make a choice. To take responsibility. To step up bigger, braver, bolder. To make a difference in gentle, guiding movements or robust gestures that gather collective strength and change entire landscapes.
We lead, by assuming responsibility and being willing to be held accountable.
We choose to lead in different ways:
From the front of the crowd
From the back of the room
Linked elbow to elbow, side by side
At home.
At work.
Within our communities.
It all matters.
And it begins within. Your leader within.
True leadership is about listening. Listening into the space, the pause, between your thoughts—where your wisdom, your intuition and your courage, patiently waits for you.
For the greater good.
I believe the most important leader in our lives is the leader within us, within our story. Our soul.
The one who guides us from the ordinary into the extraordinary when we get still enough to hear, clear enough to understand, and courageous enough to take action.
I can help you with that...