My clients are proud to share their experiences in coaching with me.
Because coaching is vulnerable work, I have omitted names to honor client confidentiality.
"I am a big biased fan. After reaching the same epiphany at three different times through counseling, I realized I would continue to stay in the same pattern or cycle or continuously arrive at the same critical moment (fear, exhaustion, shame) unless I did something to change how I operated or understood myself.
I was missing a sense of self and the confidence/peace that comes from internal validation and knowing your values. I needed tools and checkpoints and strategies, more so than a safe to place to unload or a new perspective on my patterns. Counseling helped me gain perspective and recognize how I am and why but coaching has helped me think about how to be myself and how to experience the day to day.
I often describe you as the person I want to be in 10 years. You are a coach with enough life and professional experience and training that I trust you to “get it” but the details of your life never come into the coaching perspective. It’s like you have achieved peace and wisdom, but never tell me how you did it in an instructional way “like you should do this” or “oh, I know that’s like”; you validate without being self righteous and you praise my experience not my results. I tell people a lot about your two sets of kids, marriage, divorce, management career, business start ups, education, running … never in great detail but to say you have done it all and have done a lot very well, so you can relate and you have a very pleasant, calm, friendly demeanor and I emphasize your decorum and discreet style."
Senior Government Director
"Each of our sessions over the past months have been incredibly valuable to me. Your guidance and expertise (and patience!) have given me a chance to grow personally on a level I never knew existed.
I will be forever indebted to you."
Political Candidate
"I was in search of a coach because I was looking for someone to help me understand and define the type of person I am and how I work best with other people so I could achieve my goals—given my personality.
I was surprised and delighted at how well we connected. Your coaching style aligned well with the way in which I learn and the way in which I connect with other people. I'm passionate, so go off in directions that resonate well inside of me. You were able to join me down these paths to discovery as well as challenge me, provide insight and keep me focused when it was needed.
I have more confidence in who I am, what my abilities and limitations are and what motivates me (ie. why I do what I do).
I have noticed tremendous benefits from our time together. With a stronger sense-of-self I'm more mindful about who I am and what I stand for and am much more comfortable with my surrounds as I'm able to bring focus back to myself and not be so influenced and distracted with outside/third-party circumstances."
Political Candidate
"What drew me to working with you was that I knew you, and your style, ahead of time and felt that our philosophies were aligned. The second time it was because you had helped me to see and make a big shift throughout our initial work together.
I loved discovering that all the seemingly disparate paths of inquiry actually came together and addressed exactly the issues I was struggling with at the core.
Because of our work together so much has shifted. Being able to articulate who I am has helped me to set boundaries, let go of things that do not serve me, and to be confident to pursue those activities that are more aligned with my values and strengths.
What worked for me during our time together definitely were the face to face discussions. Also...the day you shadowed me was extremely helpful, because you could witness what I am actually capable of and were able to help me celebrate that rather than dance around and avoid it.
Since our work together, it is much clearer to me which activities are taking me further from my goals, and which ones bring me closer. As a result I recently left a volunteer position that I thought was extremely important to me. It turned out it actually wasn’t and now I can make room for better things. I have also explored the idea of leading with 'fun' which has turned into working with kids recently—and a desire to pursue this line of work again.
Coaching with you was a spiritual process that required a lot of hard work and self inquiry on my part, but it was easier because you so successfully held sacred space for whatever arose.
Thanks so much!"
Executive Director
"Coaching has opened me up to the many possibilities and tools I have inside of me.
Maureen is like a conduit for me. She helps me look at something that seems impossible and futile in a way where I can actually make sense of the situation. It is not a "babysitting /quick fix" but rather it is work and it is also recognizing that I already possess all the tools. It's like she's opening the doors and I am walking through them. In the year that I have been seeing her I would say I am a lot more grounded. Things that I had a hard time dealing with in the past are no longer such big issues."
Community Advocate
" I got into coaching because I wanted to learn more about who I am and move my life forward. I found that I was in a space where I kept dwelling on a lot of negativity with myself and my life. I wanted to be able to come to a place where I was able to understand those emotions and work on creating a better version of myself.
I would describe Maureen as a really intuitive individual. Throughout the coaching experience Maureen helped me realize a lot of things about me and my life that I was not in tune to. The process is interesting because Maureen guides you to the answers you already have. One of the biggest impacts for me was that I learned how to listen to myself."
Senior Government Director
"The reason that I entered the coaching relationship with Maureen in the first place is because I was taking my coaching certification, and knew that the time was fast approaching that I would need to transition from my career in the corporate world to my new career as a coach and a spiritual healer. It was like moving from the north pole to the equator and I was terrified. There were many fears such as the fear of the changes that I would need to make in my life to accommodate this transition. But the fears that were far greater were the ones associated with the outcomes. What would I do if I failed? Even worse, what would I do if succeeded??
What I expected to get out of the relationship was some motivation and a series of actionable steps that I could apply that would enable me to "fit" into my new role. But what I actually got was so much better. Working with Maureen really empowered me to be my true and authentic self, and gave me the courage that I needed to follow my intuition. She helped me to connect with my inner wisdom which enabled me to move through the significant snow ball of changes in my life with great ease. Most importantly, she didn't help me to "fit" the role, but instead helped me see how I could make the role "fit' me."
"Maureen brings a lot of warmth and compassion to coaching the relationship and could always be counted on to make me feel as though "I had been heard". She does not just listen with ears but with her heart. And she is also very much tuned into what I am feeling, sometimes before I even articulate it.
Because of my work with Maureen I have made several significant changes in my life to support my journey and I am more far along on my way than I though I would be at this time. I don't think I would have ever accomplished all of this so quickly without her.
Thank you so much Maureen for all that you have helped me to accomplish in so little time!!"
Fellow, The Coaching Fellowship
"I entered into a coaching relationship, because I wanted to effect change in my life and I was not making enough progress to effect change on my own. A coaching relationship has been of value to explore ideas and beliefs that are, in fact, supporting a holding pattern. The exchange with my Coach is respectful and exploratory and provides me with a safe environment to look more deeply within.
I enjoy working with Maureen as my coach. Maureen has a wealth of experience in balancing life changes with family and community as well as career. I trust her feedback as it comes not just from coaching training, but she can also recognize the whole of a person and can appreciate I am not just what I do, but that I have multiple relationships and responsibilities."
Senior Government Advisor
"Coaching gave me the opportunity to be curious about my life and debrief' about the pressures of my work to an impartial person, skilled in the art of listening. Maureen is approachable and has the ability to put the big picture together. She finds common links from the first session and onwards to the later ones."
Youth Community Advocate
"I am grateful for our coaching time together. In particular, I feel I have a whole set of different questions and lines of inquiry to help me."
Executive Director
"Coaching gave me a new perspective and a helped me see new avenues for action and progress on through persistent challenges. I learned a lot about myself."
Social Advocate
"The coaching I received was a Godsend to say the least as I was living with a lot of uncertainties and needed to make some important decisions that would affect my future for sure.
I find that this Coaching gave me tools to decipher what I was supposed to do with the problem areas of my life then.
Well, long story short, everything got sorted out in a very good way and I got rid of the problems and learned to handle what I could not change and live with it.
I am still learning and the help I received from Maureen, will keep helping me as I use her techniques to sort out my problems.
She has always showed kindness, respect, understanding and love and continues to do so, and I would recommend her to my friends in need of such help in their lives. Maureen is a very special lady who can quickly figure out what is needed but she will do it in time so not to rush her client. So it's all done with respect and kind words and love.
So the benefits from coaching was a Godsend to me, and I continue to use what I learned."
"I definitely learned about things I should guide myself towards to afford me greater insight, happiness and serenity throughout my daily life.
I felt very much at ease with your demeanour and conversation. You made me think about what makes me tick, what makes me happy what calms me, and much more
I enjoy your company on a professional and personal level, and consider you to be someone who has enhanced my life."
"I entered into our coaching relationship because I want to follow my early dreams that had included writing and performance arts. I need to really look at where I am in terms of where I want to go to be autonomous. I am hoping that with my work with you I can finally take self initiative and learn to fly on my own and not be afraid.
Maureen, you have made me feel safe to explore some of the aspects of my life that have been holding me back. For example, I never really looked at my role in past successes and I believe I am a Fire Carrier, the one who has kept the spark alive. With your coaching I hope to continue to find ways to continue to be a Fire Carrier. I also have recommended your coaching to other family and friends."
Elder Artist
"I discovered while visiting my niece how much coaching has really done for me. By listening to her story I was able to appreciate just how much I have gotten from a years worth of coaching. I think in the beginning it was difficult because I didn’t want to open up and recognize what needed to be said. After the initial few months of denying that there was some things that needed to be uncovered, things began to flow. I can now say all aspects of my life are much richer and in some cases easier to handle because of the way I see things that are connected to my values. I never looked at my life with values before and now it is hard for me to see life without them. Like everything, it is a work in progress, a work I actually enjoy doing.
When I look back to a year ago and I see myself today I can honestly say I am much happier in my own home. My running is different in the sense that I “feel” more when I am running. And I am not talking pain here...I have an acute awareness of how my body is working in relation to the world around me as I trundle along the many miles. I still have a ways to go in dealing with the “irks” but I am confident it, like my home environment will be restored, or built up to a healthy relationship."
Small Business Owner
"My reason for entering coaching was to work with someone to think through the issues I was facing in my life and business and come up with strategies.
I would describe as you as a very patient, calm and attentive listener. I found our sessions to be a very grounding part of my week/month, and I enjoyed the strategies that you provided me with to work on between sessions. I would say our time together was an oasis for reflection."
Small Business Owner
"What is different for me as a result of the clarity session is that Maureen helped me zoom into the crux of the areas I need help with. There is no beating around the bush. I have new perspectives as a result of my session, and more importantly, I have ideas of how to move forward. I would highly recommend a clarity session and then follow up. Thanks for your insights, Maureen!"
Community Education Advocate
"Coaching has helped me clarify my own strengths and goals and has helped me make better professional and personal decisions that better align with my values."
Small Business Owner
"Whenever I am faced with a situation, that would of in the past caused me difficulties, I can now be aware of the questions to ask myself. Now I can be more present and not be driven by doubt, or other negative factors".
Small Business Owner
"I was so very grateful to have a focused time and space to think and feel about my future! Thank you! I realized that I tend to internalize my thought process and that it can be very helpful to bounce ideas with other people - I think I don't always trust those closest to me to do this as perhaps I am worried that I will be swayed from what I really want to do. This surprised me!"
"I think differently when making choices for myself now. I've learned to accept myself and who I am. Now because I understand what motivates my feelings. I also know what I value so my reactions, desires, and comforts, make more sense to me. I am more conscious about what types of situations I choose for myself or what kinds of challenges I take on."
Senior Government Advisor
"My language about myself has changed. I feel more confidence because I've learned to accept myself. Because I understand myself differently I can apply myself more effectively. I feel less overwhelmed."
University Post-Graduate Student
"Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me when you did. I appreciate the investment you made in me. Our sessions have made a lasting impression on me and certainly contributed to me becoming an elected official. I found our sessions valuable."
Political Candidate