Group Facilitation

“The purpose of life for a person is growth, just as the purpose of life for trees and plants is growth.”

— Walllace D. Wattles

 Presentations, workshops, and professional development training to enhance connection and foster conscious decision-making.

I regularly lead group workshops and programs for government bodies, corporations, communities, and political groups. I design a customized, experiential workshop to suit your needs, with varying length and content, or you may choose from one of my specialty workshops.

Workshop Options:

Brave Leadership
Inclusive Leadership
Strengths Mastery
Story Work


Brave Leadership

Great leaders know who they are, what they stand for and the difference they want to make.

Being an inspiring leader that creates change begins with this deep understanding of self as a leader first. Self-leadership is the foundation for leading others and leading change.

In this workshop, we’ll explore your unique and innate identity as a leader and what truly matters to you, and drives you so that you can meet any challenge with courage, confidence and authenticity.

Brave Leadership invites us to connect to our inner wisdom and voice to step forth boldly.

Each of our sessions over the past months have been incredibly valuable to me. Your guidance and expertise (and patience!) have given me a chance to grow personally on a level I never knew existed. I will be forever indebted to you.
— Political Candidate

Inclusive Leadership

If you’re a leader who knows that your team needs more tools and support and has tried all kinds of professional development workshops with little success—Inclusive Leadership may be just what you’ve been looking for to support you.

As an Inclusive Leadership Facilitator, I present a unique and influential workshop to help shift the inclusion dynamics within the spaces in which we live, work, and play.

What I love about the Inclusive Leadership model and its approach is its ability to humanize group environments quickly. People become more aware and intentional in creating spaces that feel safe, welcoming and engaging of everyone’s contributions. People feel understood, seen and heard, and valued.

Benefits of Inclusive Leadership workshops:

  • It brings more humanness into the workplace

  • It opens up communication between colleagues

  • It solves time-wasting and uncomfortable interpersonal friction

  • It gives people new tools for problem-solving

  • It decreases misunderstandings and toxicity

  • It empowers people to shine in their roles

  • It fosters new enthusiasm for the organization’s goals

  • It infuses compassion and empathy into the workplace

An Inclusive Leadership workshop is an inviting space where people dive into exploring and learning practices that promote inclusion, wellbeing, freedom and validation, and inspire us all to be better humans, ultimately.

A hot pink lupine on a moutainside near Whitehorse Canada

Strengths Mastery

Ideal for individuals, teams and workplaces.

The Clifton Strengths assessment is a method used to identify, develop and utilize natural strengths in team members and ourselves.

In a Strengths Mastery workshop, you’ll learn how to make the best use of your natural strengths and talents, alongside your team members, so you can become more empowered and impactful in your everyday life.

Sustainable success comes only when you take what’s unique about you, grow and expand it and figure out how to make it useful and life giving to others.

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me when you did. I appreciate the investment you made in me. Our sessions have made a lasting impression on me and certainly contributed to me becoming an elected official. I found our sessions valuable.
— Political Candidate

 “Who we are is how we lead.”

— Brené Brown

A beautiful large tree with thick roots

Story Work

Developing your voice through owning your story is an empowering and crucial part of walking one’s path as a leader.

Story Work will help you truly know yourself—so you can lead with courage, authenticity, and vulnerability.

In this workshop, you’ll discover the wisdom that lies in your own story. You’ll learn how to share your story with intention and impact so you can create deep connections, inspire others, and let people know they are not alone.

Knowing your story is about reclaiming your inner identity at a deep level. It is a way of honouring everything you have experienced in your lifetime and creating your current and future reality from the intuitive wisdom of your journey.

 “The story of your life is not your life, it is your story.”

— John Barth

What I took away from the “Leader From Within” Conference, is that ‘to be an effective and strong leader, I must be grounded in who I am: my values, my spirit, my strengths, my beliefs. It takes time and it’s worth it! I appreciated your style, sharing and presence. This was an excellent event!”
— Leader in Government
A set of steps winds through a lush forest.


Conferences, community groups, webinars and workshops

I deliver keynote speeches and presentations offering fresh approaches to help leaders reclaim their passion, purpose, inner wisdom and strength, and ultimately fulfilment in every area of their lives.

My presentations are compelling, engaging and interactive. Each one is intended to inform and inspire audiences to take the action needed to lead within their roles in home, work and community.

I’m happy to create a customized keynote or presentation tailored to the needs of your group, event, or audience.