Leadership coaching for ordinary people who feel called to serve in politics and community.

Are you ready to inspire extraordinary hope?

You have unique gifts and it’s time to share them—you sense an inner stirring—but you feel like you may not know enough or be ready enough to step into the political arena. You think ‘maybe someday’. 

Being a conscious leader starts with your own inner work.

I can help you understand your ways of being, and your strengths, applying them to become a confident and conscious leader who makes a positive impact in the world. Because the time to take the step is just before you think you’re ready.

Let’s turn that someday into now. 


You’re being nudged to step forth and lead.

A knowing, deep inside, that is calling you to give and serve your people in a honorable way. You sense it’s time to look beyond your personal interests and make a contribution that will help all of us.

You’re feeling a readiness and/or a responsibility to share your unique gifts and your passion in service of a greater purpose.  

Maybe you worry that you don’t have enough experience, knowledge or you don’t have what it takes to succeed in the political arena.  You may feel some fear, and not very comfortable.  Perhaps it feels risky.  

The truth is, you’ll never feel more ready than you do now.   

 Inner integrity is the foundation of who you are as a leader.

Where there is integrity there is hope. With hope, comes courage. 

 Being a conscious public leader begins with doing the inner work of personal integrity.  It means understanding your core values, your strengths and limitations and what you have to offer.  It means owning your story (the good, bad and the ugly) and connecting to courage deep within, so that you can advocate for your people, speak your voice and step forward as a carrier of their hopes and dreams.  

 In other words, being a conscious public leader begins with the inner work. From there, it moves to the outer work, the outward expression of collaborative leadership. 

How I work with clients interested in public service at every level:

Individual Coaching 

Four or six months of 1:1 coaching sessions tailored to your situation and strengths. Your package will be customized to align with your budget and schedule.

1-2 Day Workshops

The Leading From Within workshops are a good fit for organizations wanting to elevate their leadership presence to make a bigger impact in their community.


During your sessions we will have conversations that help you get clear about what moves you, what matters to you, what holds you back.


We’ll explore:

  • the contribution you intend to make and why it really matters

  • your life story and how important it is to your leadership style

  • what you’re passionate about and your authentic leadership motives

  • what makes you tick…what makes you uniquely ‘you’

  • what you do (without realizing it) that gets in your way

  • how to be a leader most aligned with who you truly are 

  • what it takes to create inner order amidst outer chaos and ambiguity

  • how to connect with the people you serve—with trust and confidence 

  • how to be professional and effective…and real


What the world needs right now...

Conscious leaders who stay true to who they are with unwavering integrity, inspired hope, deep empathy, and true compassion.

Leadership coaching can support you in serving your community with sincerity and strength.